6G is expected to initiate a total rethink of access technologies and to become a key enabler for intelligent digital society of 2030 and beyond. To this end, SUNRISE-6G restructures access networks much like the internet i.e., bringing the “network of networks” concept to 6G networks, hence, aiming to integrate all private and public infrastructures.
SUNRISE-6G aims to deliver a sustainable and evolvable Experimentation facility for 6G, federating Beyond-5G platforms and enablers from all over Europe under a common test, validation and vertical application deployment infrastructure.
The execution of SUNRISE-6G will be seen through by implementation of new 6G enablers, a truly scalable and 3GPP compliant Federation solution that provides access to heterogeneous resources and devices across all Europe. As well as the implementation of the Federated AI plane aligned with AI as a Service (AIaaS) and ML-OPS paradigms to promote collaborative AI research efforts. Lastly, the adoption of an Experimentation Plane, to promote common workflows to experimenters.
The Project will be executed over three phases:
As part of the SUNRISE-6G project, IS-Wireless has committed to provide experimental facilities for the solutions joint communication and sensing support with RIC Providing 6G-LIBRARY components (Near-RT RIC solutions for cell-free and JCS) Providing “Functional-Test 12: Testing cell-free enabled Near-RT RIC”.