SoftFIRE focuses on NFV/SDN aiming at creating a secure, interoperable and programmable experimental infrastructure within FIRE+. The Project is federating experimental testbeds that will result in an infrastructure that Third Parties can use to develop new services and applications. The federation is a fundamental step towards the creation of a network experimental infrastructure that anticipates 5G.
IS-Wireless was the winner of the SoftFire 3rd Open Call with the project entitled “NVF Framework testing with OpenBaton”. The goal of the experiment performed on the SoftFIRE platform was to deploy and validate IS-Wireless proprietary Virtualization Framework with ETSI NFV MANO compliant orchestrator. Virtual Framework is a Virtualized Network Function implementing functionalities (NFs) common to large software projects. Virtual Framework provides the ability to use the APIs for common software libraries over the network and hence allow for rapid prototyping and building of more complex VNFs. During the experiment we validated and proved the Virtualization Framework’ interoperability with OpenBaton MANO orchestrator and performed the KPI measurements for all VNF modules supported by the Framework.